Fully customise your RateMyAgent solution

Use the RateMyAgent API and show off your reviews, ratings & statistics

Build consumer trust

Through the power of verified reviews from a third party independent source showing transparency in the marketplace.

Consumer trust

Grow your SEO

Use your reviews, listings and stats, how and where you want to increase your digital footprint and help get you to number 1 on Google search.

Rank higher on Google
Increase Visibility
Add star rating on Google Search

Create unique content

By syncing your profile data with your own customisable designs, such as, interactive reviews maps or real time review carousels.

Fully customisable
Looks great
Constant content stream

Get started today

Send through your details below


What is an API?

An API is a software intermediary that allows two applications to communicate with each other. Think of it as the ‘engine under the hood’ or the backbone of connectivity.

The RateMyAgent API allows you to access your reviews, listings and statistic data from your RateMyAgent profile and integrate this with third party applications or your own website.

What are Common Uses
of the API?

Most users access RateMyAgent API to display reviews on their website. We have a style guide of recommended implementations for review carousels, grids and even interactive review maps.
We will allow other uses, like including your reviews in your vendor listing presentations and direct marketing, so reach out to us and we'd be happy to discuss these options.

Why should you access the API?

By unlocking the RateMyAgent API you will have access to the most comprehensive inventory of verified reviews from Australia’s No.1 real estate agent ratings and statistics website.

The API gives you even more control over your reviews, ratings and listings which means they are not stuck just stuck in one place. You can pull across the data you want and display it how you want.

By showcasing these reviews and stats, you’ll increase the chances of connecting with potential buyers and sellers.

How to implement

We will provide you with all necessary access and developer information to get it up and running, as well as terms & conditions and branding guidelines, just scroll up to get started and complete the contact form and a member of our team will reach out.